The XA Kid's Poker Journal

A blog about Life, the Universe, and Everything Poker

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Short Stack Experiment

I've decided to try out the shortstack strat - buying in for the min and pushing with JJ+ and AQ/AK (though AQ is foldable). I've also added a few hands into the mix as late position hands (88+, AJ). I've been 6-tabling this and it's a good way to get introduced to some serious multitabling action. The most I've usually done is 3 tables, so this is a nice way to get used to the rythym. I've also started throwing in a few HU matches, so that I have a table to focus on. The SS Strat is fairly robotic, so I'm adding in a few tables of non-robotic action into the mix. Today I had 4 tables of NL open and 2 HU tables.

It's proving an interesting strat so far, as I am "up" 6 min buy-ins so far, though I might lose one right now with JJ.

Nope lost it. JJ vs. QQ. vs. QTo. Guess which hand won? I'll give you a hint: the flop was J8x rainbow.

It'll be fun to see where this goes.


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you playing on Full Tilt? The Rakeback there just puts this strategy over the top for a fast way to rebuild a roll.

Two nights ago I made 8 and a half of my min buyins in an hour once I included rakeback.


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