The New Hotness
Well, after running well, I decided to buy myself a present:

Yes, that is a MacBook Pro. And it is SWEEEEEEET! It is the cheapest model, but that's still nothing to sneeze at. The best part is that I can write it off a business expense on my taxes since one of my motivation's for buying this was to make it easier to do poker since I can load Windows XP on this thing and play at other sites besides Full Tilt.
What also let me not feel bad about buying this is that me playing some of the WSOP Circuit events at Ceasar's is probably not going to happen due to my schedule. The earliest I can make it to LV is the 9th and it might not be worth it to go through the hassle of making it to one of the later events, much less try and satellite at the last minute to the main event. I still hope to be in Vegas for my birthday, but I will probably not play that much poker, maybe try out the 30/60 games at the Bellagio.
AFTERWORD: Well, I randomly started to look at Tax information as a poker player and it looks like I might have some good things going for me. It looks like I can definently deduct my laptop and other "business expenses" so I guess that means free trips to Vegas! As long as I keep good records, I should "only" have to pay about 15% in taxes after deductions.
Moral of the story: keep good records!
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