Hello I'm a PC. And I'm a Mac
Here's a story about my laziness. I got myself a MacBook Pro (before I went broke) that has this odd problem. When I am running the Full Tilt Poker client, it will randomly freeze. Usually this lasts for 15 seconds, just enough to be very very annoying and some times timing me out of some key hands. I know that this is related to my Airport card and I have a good idea of how to fix it (reinstall the system software), but I just haven't gotten to it.
Here's the kicker: when I run Windows XP on my Mac through a dual-boot, everything works fine. Talk about your ironies, huh? The only problem is that for some reason, in Windows, my wireless card doesn't like to connect to a secure (i.e. passworded) network. So I usually just boot into Windows to play Full Tilt, but right now I am visiting my dad for Labor Day weekend and the house is on a secure wireless network. The point?
I decided to sign up for not one, but TWO turbo SNGs. A faster game would work well for a program that causes my computer to freeze, right? Somehow, I was able to avoid bad disconnects and get a 1st and a 2nd. I adjusted my game to be hyper-aggresive post flop when I think I have the best hand or if I flopped a nice draw. I wanted to avoid very costly disconnects where I commit half my stack, program freezes, and I time out. I was able to pull the chip lead fairly quickly in both games and was able to keep it. I ended one game at the 250/500 level and the other at the 200/400 level which for turbo is not slow.
So I ended up +$11 for the day after I had a bad run in Stud, but I'm not going to complain about any forward momentum.
Yeah, yeah I know 2 posts in 24 hours. Watch me not post for 2 weeks now.
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