The XA Kid's Poker Journal

A blog about Life, the Universe, and Everything Poker

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Ever have a night of bleh poker? Where everything doesn't go right, but it doesn't go wrong either? That was my night.

It started off interesting. I got pulled over. My 2nd time ever. The street I was driving down is really dark and I ran a stop sign. Just plain forgot about it. Didn't register at all. So I see the lights flash and I pull over. Not really sweatin', just being cool and collected. I guess I figured I was due to get a ticket as for the first time I was pulled over, I got out of it. Anyways, he gives me the standard spiel, I deny any knowledge of wrong doing and give him the appropriate paperwork. He asks where I was going, I tell him the truth. He goes and pulls up my file, sees that I have a clean driving record and lets me off with a warning. I'm thinking "Sweet. Got away with another one." Coincidentally, the first one was for running a stop sign I missed as well.

As for the poker, nothing much really happened. I would some pots, lose some pots. I think I had 4 pairs all night: 44, 77, 88, JJ. Half of them won. The JJ I got rivered (but I didn't really invest that much) and the 44 I didn't play. The 77 was an interesting hand.

There's a few limpers, I limp in late position and the button makes bad raise. The kind that's not really a pot sweetener nor does it drive people out. It just makes the pot unmanageable. There's two callers and I go for it. The flop is KT3. It's checked to the button and she goes "ok, I'll give out a free card." The turn is a 6 and it's checked around again. The river is a 2 and it's still checked around. The button makes a smallish bet and one of the limpers calls. Now I was sure I had the button beat. Her hand was just really consistent with a missed hand as always bet if she had at least a piece by the turn. Now the limper I had to think about. I was getting about 6-1 and his range didn't include a K in this spot and I concluded that there was a fairly good chance I was ahead. The odds looked good, so I made the call. The button had AJ, the caller had a worse Ace, and my third pair took it down.

It was small stuff like that which kept my afloat. In the end, I found myslef up exactly one buy-in and I decided to call it quits. The table looked worse (the juicy fish that I really wanted to double up through left) and it just didn't seem worth it. It was 3AM, I was getting tired and it was the right move.

So overall a good three days. Now it's time to relax until I have work on Tuesday. Good luck at the tables!


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