Home Games and Shit Rain
Well I got back into the juicy home game scene last night. I walked into my old fraternity house and saw that they were starting up a game. $20 with .25/.50 blinds. I tried to get it down to .10/.25 blinds, but they wanted bigger stakes. Not really that big of a deal, it's just that there were some people buying in for $10 and I wanted to give them more play. A guy to my immeadiate right had bought in for $10 and was doing advanced Mathmatics at the table. I was trying to tell him how to play his stack, but he didn't just quite get it with him limping in or folding when he should have pushed. Sigh..math majors...
There were some horrible players at the table, though they were nice guys so I tried to keep the game friendly. This one guy was red-green blind (which caused some trouble with our red-green chips, but I helped him organize his chips so that he could tell the difference) who was the biggest calling station. And I do mean calling station. Flop the nut straight? Call the flop, check the turn, and call the river. Full house? Call Call Call. He eventually got a nice stack and then busted out - twice.
I was building up my stack nicely, making some sick calls with A-high. And I don't mean post-flop I mean preflop where I knew that AT BEST I was the winning side of a coinflip. A2 vs. KQ. A6 vs. K9. Some people just liked to get it in and if I felt I had the best hand, I obliged. Of course, I was at the losing side of this in the biggest pot of the night. I had built up to about $80 and the only other guy who had made some traction had $40. He raised the button to $2, I reraised on the SB with KcKs to $6, he reraised to $16 and I thought about it and pushed. He hesistates to call off the rest of his chips and I can just feel the bad Ace he had. Of course he calls (can't lose a big pot unless he calls) and the worst part was that the flop was Axx all of spades. I don't get the K or the spade and fate mocks me once again. It's very annoying when someone out flops you, but you flop a strong draw and don't catch up. However, I did win those other 2 coinflips so I can't really complain about bad luck, just bad timing. The game broke up soon after that and I cashed out with $55. Not bad, but it sucks to see $80 walk out of the room that could have been in your stack. However, I will be playing with these guys again, so I will have a chance to let the long run come out.
I woke up this morning to a "drip-drip" and realized that my room was leaking. I scramble to find some leak-prevention devices (i.e. buckets) and was able to get most of it. And then it starts leaking over my bed. It's not raining, so I have to assume that it's the upstairs bathroom (which is right above my roome). Further inquery lead me to discover that aomse guy living upstairs had flooded the toilet and I was getting shit water leaking onto my room. Yay what a great way to wake up.
Everything else is starting to come together and my big plan is to raid the home games. I just need to find my hookup and I should be set. Hopefully my room has stopped leaking.
Time to do some cleanup.